Should I Do a Thesis?

A thesis isn’t for everyone and shouldn’t necessarily be seen as the ultimate option. The best option for you is the best one for your goals and passions, not someone else’s.

For questions to ask yourself regaurding a thesis, [Click Here]

Writing a Good Conference Proposal

Get a great session title. There is an assumption (untested) that if you are creative in your session title, you will be interesting and creative in your presentation. While this should not be that important, often audience members are picking sessions off titles alone when they’re in a hurry to find a session.

Make your proposal a little tempting. Think marketing. Capture the attention of your reader early. The abstract is critical because that is what they will read first. Among a pile of great ideas, what makes yours stand out? Hot issue, practical advice, diverse population, particular skill development, etc.

Early in your proposal tell the reader the importance of your session. What is the value of what you are offering? What key problem or pressing issue in higher education will be addressed? People will come to a boring session if it is on a topic that is a big problem on their campus.

For key points on writing a good conference proposal, [Click Here]